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Resource Categories: Meditations

Things I've learned, or need to.

Personalized Meditations

While I can’t change my voice, I can create meditations that are designed exclusively for you. Using words and music that are right on target for your style and your goals.

A Mother’s Meditation

This 10-minute meditation taps into the duality of womanhood and serves to honor the women who have become mothers by birth or adoption. This meditation explores the power mothers have to change the world and how motherhood expands and enhances a woman’s individual spirit.

The Conscious Professional

Countless executives tout the positive impact that meditation has on their personal and professional lives. Ray Dalio, Arianna Huffington, Marc Benioff, even Rupert Murdoch are believers. About meditation and her digital detox routine, Padmasree Warrior, CTO and Strategy Officer, Cisco Systems, has been quoted as saying

5 Minute Focus

Intuition is the ability to understand something immediately, without the need for conscious reasoning. It is our internal GPS system that knows exactly where to go. Intuition is a powerful tool that is beneficial personally and professionally. In this meditation, we will explore how to tap in and trust that GPS system so we can find our way with more peace and fluidity.

5 Minute Focus

Self-awareness happens when you pay attention to your thoughts, behaviors, and overall mental health. It is an inward journey rather than an outward journey. This makes meditation a great self-awareness tool. Our busy lifestyles, focused on action and productivity, make it hard to slow-down enough to take the time to think about anything let alone, our reactions, emotions, thoughts, level of stress, mental health, physical health, dreams, goals, etc. We simply run from one thing to another.

This guided meditation will help you slow down so you can see your thoughts, actions, and emotions objectively.

5 Minute Focus

March is here and Spring is just around the corner. While Spring is a time of new beginnings, for many of us on the journey of growth and discovery this can be a time when our thoughts try to take over and sabotage our progress. We start second guessing the commitments we made a few short months ago and wonder if we made the right decision. This meditation is to remind you to choose your thoughts carefully. Don’t let your head drown out the desires of your heart.

5 Minute Focus

As you settle into the new year, you may find yourself losing sight of the personal and professional goals you sought out to achieve. It’s ok. We all fall off the wagon sometimes, after all, no one’s perfect. Even Olympic gold medalists drop the ball with their training from time to time. But they know that they can recommit and dig deeper to achieve the results they want. You can too.

5 Minute Focus

January is our “reset” month, when we decide how we want to grow personally and professionally over the next year, and put together our action plans. Unfortunately, most years we don’t follow through with these resolutions. Why? Because they’re developed based on judgements and external belief systems. Your higher “self” isn’t aligned with these goals. And if she doesn’t want it, you ain’t gettin’ it. This meditation will help reveal the growth, healing, and direction that’s best for everyone.

5 Minute Focus

This is the time of year we get into heavy reflection mode. At work we’re gearing up for the new year with strategic planning, evaluations, and business plans, and we’re doing the same thing in our personal lives. We start thinking about the physical, emotional, and spiritual changes we want to make. This meditation will get you in the right state of mind whenever you sit down to reflect on 2017 or plan for 2018.

5 Minute Focus

This quick meditation will help you get your mind right. Do it in the morning when you wake up, at night before bed, right before a big presentation or after a frustrating interaction. Any time you want to make sure that you are controlling the moment rather than the moment controlling you.

5 Minute Focus

When we go to work each morning we take with us our expectations, and they’re usually expected irritations rather than expected positives. Today, let’s do something different. Let’s strip out the expectations and judgments and see if we can start the day less bothered by other people.

5 Minute Focus

Good sleep is hard to get for a lot of us. Let’s commit to putting good, deep relaxing sleep at the top of the list instead of the bottom. Lay down in bed, flat on your back with your ear buds in and let’s get to chillin’.